Tigers are ferocious predator animals, often able by virtue of their
large size to control their enemies. But in this video is a fierce battle between the Bengal tiger and bear that ended with a sudden victory of the bear, which proves that the challenge without fear can make you invincible in the animal world.
The mother bear and her cub approached a watercourse in India 's Taduba National Park when a male tiger caught her attention. When the tiger began to hunt the cub, the mother intervened immediately and challenged the big tiger.
As one of the largest and most powerful cat species, with its ability to reach nearly 700 pounds of body weight, tigers can usually overcome small bears. In fact, it was known that tigers sometimes catch bears in sudden attacks and ambushes.
But bears can defend themselves against big predators such as leopard, even rhinoceros and elephants, if necessary. When threatened, the bear becomes very aggressive and will actually defeat the attackers. But they often feed on termites and rarely prey on other mammals, and their sharp claws, big teeth and firm stance make them the mighty defenders of any predator who chooses to face them face to face - even a full-fledged tiger.
In the video below, both animals exchange blows, as the tiger plants its teeth in the back of the bear's neck several times. After a long battle it seems to us that the tiger has imposed its strength and has become the upper hand in the battle, but it seems that the bear gathers strength and emerge from the clutches of the tiger.
Using the typical bear strategy, the severely injured bear stands on its hind legs to become larger and shows its dominance over the tiger, before chasing it back into the water.
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