The lynx, a type of wild cat, is classified as a carnivorous animal from the carnivores family, carrying the scientific name Lynx, and has high monkeys to adapt to the surrounding environment and different temperatures.
+ Where does the lynx live?
The lynx is relatively rare in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula and has a greater presence in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in South Africa and southern Namibia.
The lynx live in central and western Africa less intensively than in sub-Saharan Africa. Some species of lynx have been observed in Europe and North America. The lynx is preferred to be found in savannah, wetlands and some mountain ranges, not arid desert areas.
The environment and structure of the Lynx animal
The lynx is a medium-sized cat with a length of 65-90 cm and a weight of 11-18 kg, which is predatory in its diet.
Lynx Animal Skills
The lynx has a high skill in jumping up in an acrobatic manner up to three meters high, which enables it to catch low-flying birds easily. Despite its relatively small size, the lynx is capable of devouring animals up to three times its size.
Speed of the lynx animal
He can run at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour and has a strong sense of hearing that enables him to hear an anemone flap through 20 muscles surrounding the ear, with an average age of 12-15 years.
Food patterns of the Lynx
The lynx of carnivores predators its main food on small prey such as rabbits, foxes and birds, as it feeds on rodents, young deer, lint and goats and sometimes eats snakes.
The social life of the lynx animal
Large age groups of lynx prefer to live alone and mating occurs at any time during the year. The duration of laxation lasts between 69 - 81 days, and the female gives birth to 1-6 children in one pregnancy.
In most cases, female lynxs put the young in caves and tree cavities to protect them from any danger. The small lynx at birth weighs between 198-250 grams and young people begin to open their eyes after 4-10 days of age. 10 weeks After five or six months, fangs begin to appear, while young people stay with their mother for about a year before they go into the wild.
The species of lynx live on earth
+ Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx is considered the largest lynx species ever, and it originates in European and Siberian forests. During the summer, the Eurasian lynx covers a relatively short reddish fur, while in winter it is replaced by brown-gray or silver-brown fur and thicker than the first. The Eurasian lynx is hunted by chasing prey and jumping on it with the help of the rugged forest areas in which you live. Lynx generally feeds on small prey such as rabbits, rabbits, foxes, etc., and large prey only when food becomes scarce.
+ Canadian lynx
Canada Lynx, a Canadian lynx native to North America, is found in the forests and tundra areas of Canada, Alaska and parts of North America.
The Canadian lynx has great skills in climbing and swimming, preferring to dwell in burrows inside trees or even within small caves and rocky crevices. Canadian lynx has a thick furrow that can withstand the extreme cold. For Canadian lynx, it is almost limited to wild rabbits, It may also catch some mammals and medium-sized birds if the number of wild rabbits decreases.
+ Iberian lynx
Iberian Lynx, the most endangered species of lynx, originates in southern Europe and the Iberian peninsula. If this lynx is extinct, it will be the first extinct senor since the summer tiger, extinct ten thousand years ago.
+ The popcorn
His English name is Sennori from North America, and there are 12 species derived from him in southern Canada, the United States and northern Mexico. Lynx Quantum Adaptive predator live in coniferous forests, leafy forests or mixed forests, but unlike other tropics, it does not entirely depend on forests but extends from swamps and desert lands to mountains and fields, and its tarpaulin acts as camouflage. Quantum lynx numbers in an area depend primarily on the numbers of their prey, knowing that quantum lynx is the smallest of the four species.
+ And cut the ground hug
The land hug has many names such as the Egyptian lynx, the lynx, the lynx of Africa, the Umayyad, the Tafs, the desert lynx, and also the circus or the karkul or just the hug. It is considered
Earth hug A medium-sized snore is classified with small fangs, but it is considered heavier and faster. The male weight of the ground hug is between 13 and 18 kg (28-40 lbs), while the smaller females weigh 11 kg.
Studies on their DNA show that these animals are not considered relatives of lynx at all, but relatives of the Begg and the African Golden Tigers.
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