Facts on the hyena, the animal lives in large regional clans that can consist of up to 80 members, and the hyena is a solitary animal that gathers together during the mating period.
Facts about the hyena:
+ The hyena is large in size, and looks like a dog.
+ It is carnivorous animals.
+ The hyena lives in Savannah, pastures, sub-deserts and forests in Africa and Asia.
+ There are four types of hyena that differ in size and type of diet, namely the planned hyena, the spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the wolf the ground wolf.
+ The size of this animal varies from one species to another. The largest is the spotted hyena, which is up to 35 inches, about 90 pounds in weight, and the smallest species is the hyena, which is up to 20 inches in height and about 60 pounds in weight.
+ Female hyena is considered the largest in size of male, and it also has greater control and supremacy over male hyena.
+ Animal hyena of animals hunter, but also of the animals sniffing in the garbage in the sense that they eat the carcass.
+ The hyena of the wolf of the earth eat termites.
+ It is a night animal that they catch at night.
+ Is an animal that marks its land with the white manure produced by the anal gland. This white substance has a strong and effervescent smell that tells the other hyenas that this land is occupied or already occupied.
Strange information about hyena:
+ The hyena uses different sounds, situations and signals to communicate with other hyenas.
+ One of the most distinctive sounds produced by the hyena is laughter, and this sound is a signal or alert to the other hyena that there is a new food source available.
+ The worst enemies of the hyena are the black and the hunting dogs, the hyena of cannibal animals, and may attack and eat other hyenas, especially when they are young.
+ Both male and female hyena are similar in shape, but can be distinguished sexually, and the female hyena gives birth and take care of her cubs.
+ After the mating season, the hyena female gives birth after about 90 to 110 days, and the female hyena gives birth to approximately 2 to 4 cubs, and takes care of them in a den or womb for four weeks.
+ Hyena cubs fight with each other to impose control, achieve the best nutrition site or system required for feeding, and may end this battle between the cubs of the hyena.
+ The female hyena feeds the young with milk from 12 to 18 months, but the young will start eating as soon as they reach the fifth month.
+ The hyena lives from 10 to 12 years in the wild, and reaches 25 years in captivity.
Hippocampus is the most common, widespread and larger hyena, spread throughout Africa as well as in the Middle East, Anatolia, Western India, and Pakistan.
+ Most of the food on the carcass and the remains of animal prey, as well as fruits and some types of insects and small animals, is characterized by moving from one area to another.
+ He catches his prey individually, that is to say, a solitary isolation animal, although he sometimes lives in a small family, living in burrows, semi-desert areas, and forest forests.
Studies on hyenas:
+ Recent field studies have shown that many of the prevailing data about hyenas are incorrect.
+ In particular, the hyena is an animal that hunts large antelopes and zebra, and even large African buffaloes that weigh more than 500 kg.
+ He showed that the hyena is attacking a herd of antelopes and is separated by one of them, and runs behind them at a speed of about 65 km / h, until they hold it, and it separates the neck of a donkey with a single blow.
It is the most powerful decoder among the broken animals, the decomposition force and the teeth of the hyena, which enables it to break and knock bones that are not strong enough to break the rest of the seven, and its strong digestive secretions make it easily devour all that is difficult for other sperm.
+ They eat easily the hooves and skulls and the strongest skins, so when the prey falls into the hands of the hyena leave little thing.
+ It is the characteristics of the hyena that it is a cowardly animal. However, it does not hesitate to attack remote villages, trying to prey on domestic animals such as sheep, goats and sheep.
+ Hyenas release strange sounds ranging from wailing and barking, and sometimes the sounds are similar to loud laughter, so they are smiling hyenas and sometimes they produce loud and sharp sounds that are very disturbing.
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